CONCERNING processing and protection of personal data OF THE USERS OF THE COLORNILE LLC WEBSITE
(revised on 1 January 2018)
1. General Provisions
1.1. This Privacy policy concerning processing and protection of personal data (hereinafter the “Policy”) is made according to paragraph 2 of article 18.1 of the Federal law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006, as well as other legal acts of the Russian Federation with regard to protection and processing of personal data, and sets the regulations for use of the personal information obtained from our website users (hereinafter the “Users”) by the owner of the website (hereinafter the “Website”) – COLORNILE Limited Liability Company (hereinafter the “Company”).
1.2. The present Privacy policy applies to all the Website Users.
1.3. The Users directly give their consent to processing of their personal data as described in this Policy. By using this Website the User agrees to conform unconditionally to our Policy and specified terms of processing of personal data.
If the User does not agree to the Policy terms, the User shall not use the Website.
2. Users’ Personal Information Processed by the Company.
2.1. The Website collects, gains access to and uses personal data of Users, as well as technical and other information connected with the Users in terms specified by the Policy.
2.2. Technical information does not constitute personal data. The Company uses cookies which allow to identify the User. Cookies are the text files accessible for the Company to process the information about User’s activity, including data on what pages were visited by the User and on time the User spent on the page. The User may decline the use of cookies by adjusting settings of the browser.
2.3. Technical information also refers to information that is automatically transmitted to the Company in the course of the Website use with the software installed on the User’s device.
2.4. Personal data refers to any information that is provided by the User to the Company while filling an Order on the Website and further use of the Website. Information that must be submitted to the Company is marked in a special way. Other information is left by the User to his own discretion.
2.5. The Сompany may also process data made generally available by the subject of personal data or which have to be released or disclosed according to the law.
2.6. The Company does not check reliability of personal data provided by the User and has no opportunity to evaluate his ability to act. However the Company assumes that the User provides reliable and sufficient personal information about himself/herself and keeps up to date this information.
3. Purposes for the Processing of Personal Data of the Users.
3.1. The main purpose of the Company at collection of personal data is to provide consulting and informational services to Users. Users agree that the Company can use their personal data for:
. checking the identity of the party within rendering of services;
. rendering of services and providing customer support upon Users’ request;
. improving the services quality, the convenience of using the services, Website design and development, as well as removing technical faults and security problems;
. analyzing the expansion and improvement of services, informational content and services advertisement;
. informing Users on services, target marketing, services update and promotional offers on the basis of Users’ informational preferences;
. targeting of promotional materials; broadcasting of personal marketing messages by e-mail, calls and the SMS;
. performing statistical investigations and other researches on the basis of anonymized data.
3.2.The Company may use technical information anonymously for the purposes mentioned in the cl. 3.1.
4. Conditions and Methods of Processing of the Users’ Personal Information and Ways of its Transfer to the Third Parties.
4.1. The User agrees to the processing of personal data by sending the application (any written request containing contact information).
4.2. Processing of personal information of the User means collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, modification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, removing, destruction of the User personal information.
4.3. The personal information of the User is kept confidential, except for the cases when the User provides information about himself with common access thereto of the public.
4.4. The Company has the right to transfer personal information of the User to the third parties in the following cases:
. the User expresses his consent to such actions;
. such transfer is necessary to use the certain service of the Website by the User or to execute a definite agreement or contract concluded by the User;
. in case of transfer to governmental authorities of the Russian Federation on the bases and in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
. for the purpose of ensuring protection of the rights and lawful interests of the Company or the third parties in cases, when the User violates conditions of contracts and agreements with the Company, the present Policy, or the documents containing conditions of use of specific services;
. As a result of personal information processing of the User through its depersonalization the depersonalized statistical data will be obtained, which are transferred to the third party for carrying out researches, performing works or rendering services on behalf of the Company.
5. Measures on Protection of Personal Information
5.1. The Company shall take the necessary and sufficient legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal information of the User against illegal or accidental access, destruction, changing, blocking, copying, distribution and also other illegal actions with it by the third parties.
6. Dispute Resolution
6.1. All possible disputes arising from the relations regulated by this Policy shall be resolved in the order established by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the Russian law.
7. Additional Conditions
7.1 The Company has the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy without the consent of the User.
7.2. New Privacy Policy will become effective from the moment of its publication, unless otherwise provided by new revision of the Privacy policy.
7.3. Continued use of the Website after posting of such changes will be deemed acceptance of the changes.